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Kopakama Coffee Cooperative, Mushubati sector, Rutsiro district, Western province, Rwanda, Africa

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Contact Kopakama for award-winning, Rwandan specialty coffee

Kopakama is an award-winning coffee cooperative producing Rwandan specialty coffee for the export market. Our delicious Bourbon and Jackson Arabica is Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance and organic certified.

We also grow the exceptional Ejo Heza coffee, a separate all women-grown specialty Arabica. Ejo Heza, meaning “Bright Tomorrow” is the name of the sub-cooperative and the coffee, cupping at 86-89. It is a single origin Arabica with bright, fruity flavours.

Kopakama is Rwanda’s oldest coffee cooperative, established in 1998 after the devastating Rwandan genocide. From an initial 47 smallholder farmers, we now have over 1,000 members. We are proud to be one of Rwanda’s best-known specialty Arabica coffee producers.

We are Rutsiro district in Rwanda’s Western province between the great Congo and Nile rivers. In this beautiful landscape, high in the hills above Lake Kivu, we grow our delicious specialty Arabica.

The air is cool and humid with lots of sunshine and year-round rain. We are also blessed with deep rich volcanic soils from the nearby forests.

Our delicious Bourbon and Jackson Arabica is handpicked, fully washed, and sun-dried. The flavour profile has cherry, tangerine, and cedar notes, with a deep aroma of blackberry, dark chocolate, and raisins.

Rich and memorable, Kopakama coffees are regularly placed at the Cup of Excellence Rwanda. They consistently cup at 86-89.

We are also the proud recipients of multiple certifications across our coffees. We are USDA organic, Rainforest Alliance/UTZ and Fairtrade certified.

We welcome new partnerships and opportunities to share our award-winning Rwandan Arabica coffee.

We'd love to hear from you. 

“Rwandan coffee supply has been in our sights for several years and now that we have found a producer co-operative who fits us well as a trading partner, we are proud to present coffee from the Kopakama co-operative to the New Zealand specialty coffee market.”

– Justin Purser, Trade Aid New Zealand