Sustainable Fairtrade coffee in Rwanda

Kopakama is proud to produce sustainable, Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance, and USDA certified organic coffee above Lake Kivu in Rwanda.

From our coffee nurseries to planting, pruning, and mulching, we employ sustainable agricultural practices that care for the land and maintain the healthy growth of our specialty coffee.

This is in line with our certified organic, Rainforest Alliance, and Fairtrade coffee farming commitments.

Our farmers tend small plots and family coffee gardens of up to 1ha, with  200 trees per farmer. Jackson and Red Bourbon Arabica varietals sit alongside subsistence crops of banana, maize, and beans.

This form of intercropping and sustainable farming ensures year-round food for their families and to sell. They also benefit from the higher value of coffee cash crops each year.

Through Kopakama’s agronomy support, our farmers are constantly experimenting with and improving the quality, sustainability, and productivity of their farms.

Working with our farmers, Kopakama plans to more than double the production of our wonderful Arabica green beans from 110 tons in 2021 to 275 tons by 2025.

Our Rainforest Alliance and organic certifications also encourage sustainable farming practices and better land management. This means we can farm the land for longer, supporting sustainable livelihoods.

Altogether, this is better for the land and creates a cleaner, tastier coffee that reflects its origin and is grown naturally.

It all contributes to Kopakama’s delicious, specialty, sustainable Fairtrade coffee cupping at 86+.

Certified sustainable

"I was able to try Kopakama [washed Bourbon] while judging the Cup of Excellence, where it stood out on the table!” 

– Scott Conary, Coffee Buyer and Head Judge at Alliance for Coffee Excellence, Inc.

In 2018, Kopakama Cooperative achieved USDA Organic and UTZ Rainforest Alliance certifications. We have held our longstanding Fairtrade certification since 2005. 

Kopakama is proud to be a triple-certified specialty coffee producer in Rwanda.

Our vision is to move together towards a sustainable life for farmers by marketing and selling their Fairtrade coffee. We plan to more access more stable prices and secure markets for our high-quality green beans.

Fairtrade certification means better prices for our coffee and better working conditions. Farmers can receive a more reliable income with fewer price fluctuations. This increases their standards of living and reduces their risks.

Adopting Fairtrade practices encourages farmers to grow specialty coffee as a sustainable livelihood.